The Vision

Take a listen to this recording of a vision God gave me some years back. Set to music.

This site is dedicated to the glory of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, His Son.

Show Me the Cross

Title track from a great album by Nonny James. RIP.

Dr. Lockeridge's prayer

You really owe it to yourself to hear this.

Look! My solo album, more here

Look! Interview on Premier Radio.

Look! Interview on Eternal Radio

If you would like to make a donation towards the ongoing work of Jesus Reigns and Colin Owen Music Ministries, click the button. Bless you.

Feel free to browse this site there's lots of really good stuff here. If you don't find what you are looking for, contact me, I may be able to help.

If you are into Old Time Radio or Old Time Movies, check out the links on the left, I'm building quite a collection.

Check out my downloads page for some of the software I've written. Mac and Windows compatible.

See the services menu for all the services I offer, and my backing tracks page.


Site designed and maintained by Colin Owen.
(c)2008 colin owen music ministries


letting the world know it!


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"True inspiration only comes from The Holy Spirit."